
Trai Cay Thom

Dragon Fruit Supplier and Exporter

White Dragon Fruit Red Dragon Fruit

About Us

At Trai Cay Thom Co., Ltd, we focus on producing high-quality dragon fruits and have experience in exporting our quality products to European markets, such as the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland. Our main office is based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, while our farm and nursery are located in Binh Thuan province. At our farm, we cultivate the highest quality, non-GMO, non-nanotechnology fruits, which are certified by GLOBALG.A.P and the European Commission. With an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction for the last 20 years, we have never compromised on the quality of our products provided to the customer.


Main Office

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Quality Control and Exporting Services

Farm and Nursery

Binh Thuan, Vietnam

Agricultural Facility for Growing Dragon Fruit Plants


White Dragon Fruit

White Pitaya

Red Dragon Fruit

Pitaya Roja

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